Advanced Chromium configuration and tips This note was created on 2023-02-14 This note was last edited on 2024-05-01 === Hardware video acceleration === To enable hardware acceleration, you need to start the browser with the following flag: "--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL". You can use the "~/.config/chromium-flags.conf" configuration file to make this flag persistent: ~~~ --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL ~~~ Note that this configuration file is ignored by Brave Browser. Instead, you can update its .desktop file "/usr/share/applications/brave-browser.desktop": ~~~ Exec=/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL %U ~~~ === Force Dark Theme === To force dark theme you need to use flag "--force-dark-mode". To make it persistent, you can add it to .desktop file. For example, for Vivaldi: "/usr/share/applications/vivaldi-stable.desktop": ~~~ Exec=/usr/bin/vivaldi-stable --force-dark-mode %U ~~~