Manage dotfiles using chezmoi This note was created on 2020-11-05 This note was last edited on 2023-01-31 "chezmoi" helps you manage your personal configuration files (dotfiles, like ~/.bashrc) across multiple machines. It has strong support for security, allowing you to manage secrets (e.g. passwords, access tokens, and private keys) securely and seamlessly using a password manager of your choice or GnuPG encryption. Source code available at GitHub: === Installation === You can install "chezmoi" using your package manager or by runnig the following command: $ curl -sfL | sh This will install correct binary in "./bin". === Upgrading === If you have installed a pre-built binary of chezmoi, you can upgrade it to the latest release with: $ chezmoi upgrade === Basic usage === Initialize chezmoi repository: $ chezmoi init This will create a new git repository in "~/.local/share/chezmoi" with permissions 0700 where chezmoi will store the source state. chezmoi only modifies files in the working copy. It is your responsibility to commit changes. Manage an existing file with chezmoi: $ chezmoi add ~/.bashrc This will copy "~/.bashrc" to "~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc". Use "-r" to add whole folder. Edit source state of configuration file: $ chezmoi edit ~/.bashrc This will open "~/.local/share/chezmoi/dot_bashrc" in your $EDITOR. See what changes will be made: $ chezmoi diff Apply changes to actual dotfiles: $ chezmoi -v apply Add "-v" for verbose output and "-n" for dry run. Restore dotfiles on another machine: $ chezmoi init $ chezmoi apply Launch a shell in the source directory: $ chezmoi cd List the managed files in the destination directory: $ chezmoi managed Remove a target from the source state (stop managing): $ chezmoi forget ~/.bashrc Pull latest changes from repository: $ chezmoi update === Read more === "chezmoi" have much more functionality. Read more on the official website: