How to host a static website on S3 with custom domain This note was created on 2024-04-03 This note was last edited 2024-04-03 === Infrastructure configuration === 1. Create a new S3 bucket for your static website. 2. Set "Block all public access" to "off". 3. Configure access control list (ACL): set "Everyone (public access)" to "Read". 4. Enable "Static website hosting" and note your endpoint (e.g. ""). 5. Configure bucket policy to allow public access: ~~~ { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example/*" } ] } ~~~ 6. Order an SSL certificate in AWS ACM for your domain. 7. Create a new distribution for your website on AWS Cloudfront: - As "Origin domain" use S3 website endpoint, you got on step 4. - Select certificate, you ordered on step 6. - Do NOT add "Alternate domain names" at this step. 8. Wait until distribution is deployed. 9. Copy "Distribution domain name" (e.g. 10. Add the following DNS record for your domian. For example: ~~~ CNAME ~~~ 11. Return to Cloudfront and choose to edit the distribution general settings. 12. Add your domain as "Alternate domain names" ("" in the example above). 13. Done.