Amazon EventBridge Schedules: notes and tips This note was created on 2024-03-20 This note was last edited on 2024-03-20 === Scale out / scale in ECS service using Scheduler (via AWS Console) === 1. Go to Amazon EventBridge, open Schedules and start creating one; 2. Set name, schedule pattern; 3. For "Target API" choose "All APIs", select Amazon ECS and find "UpdateService"; 4. As input JSON object, use the following: ~~~ { "Cluster": "*YourClusterName*", "Service": "*YourServiceName*", "DesiredCount": N } ~~~ You can use any number as the DesiredCount. "0" disables the service. 5. On the next page, select a role with permissions to update your service. Also, check any other options, such as retry policy and action after schedule completion. 6. Done. Note: you can also check if it's working by using CloudTrail. Lookup attributes should be "Event source:".